Beeeeeeeedo-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedo-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedo! Robert's graduation party was this past Saturday night! And the Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday! What a fun and busy weekend! (Really, really busy. But fun!) We had family over for a few days and still have Rayanne and Uncle Allan. :D Also, one hen has three chicks, one has eight chicks, and another just hatched out ELEVEN! Craaaaaazy! And cute! Very, very, very cute and tiny and otherwise perfect! And... One of our cats (Agnes) has three babies, Eddie, Ronnie, and Fay. Priscilla (my cat) has three kittens that we think are girls but have no names as of yet. Happy (cat) has one baby. Aaaaaand, it's is sunny and breezy and Drama Camp started today! My family is exhausted... Au Revoir! (If that is how it is spelled)
Showing posts from June, 2015