
I know I stated this before, but here again is the namesake of my blog. Stargazing Pie. Pie for short. He was cute. And here is his adorable friend Cosmo. Cosmo was a girl, oddly enough. Cosmo Genevieve Tips, daughter of old Beulah Tips. Cosmo in the middle.
So this song is lovely...


Hello, all! (That is, if anyone ever checks this blog anymore.) It being shortly after Thanksgiving, I have consumed a great deal of pie lately.   :) Also, Mama Honrath just made another pie today! Hurrah! Just a few updates: Ann's beloved sister Rachel is married! She and her husband Joe tied the knot in June.   :) It was a fabulous wedding. The other siblings are all well and happy, too! Ann, Madge, Orchid, Margaret, Freya, Cricket, the others, and I will all be taking the ACT a week from this Saturday!   O_O   Wish us luck! We have so many cats. So, so many. But we have lost some sheep.   :( Many chickens and few eggs combine to make Mama Honrath less than happy. Our dearly Beloved Ginger Hoss moved to my eldest brother's place this past Summer.   :( It is cold. I do not like cold. Buddy dog is getting old and arthritic. Poor puppy. The assorted birds living in the haymow make pleasant music. On the subject of music, Jazz is a delight ...
Rest in Peace, Alan Rickman... Thank you for making me love Colonel Brandon. Love, Ann
Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) And, in case I don't post tomorrow, (I probably won't, but who knows) Merry, Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!!!!!     :) Love, Me
A Poem for a Winter Night! Love Poem of a Winter Night White fog. Billowing curtains of dreamlike mist. Kittens pace the shimmering ice. Be still, my loved one. Still. Horses nibble tattered coats. An old dog calmly guards. Chickens purr their last goodnight to moon and sky and stars. Oh rest, beloved. Rest. A coyote yaps shrill disbelief. The stars patrol the sky. Calmly we go walking by and listen as he wails his grief. We're safe, my dear one. Safe. Two hay bales sit and silently Make charts of distant skies. Dim trees and breezes whisper mumbled stories, sob, and cry. It's dark my darling. Dark. Old fields and furrows 'neath the snow, wet grass and last year's mud, are greeting us as we two go, strolling silent by. Old friends, my sweet. Old friends. A quiet wind caresses faces, hands, and silky hair. A touch of frost, a breath of cold, Winter's waiting near. So cold, my h...
A Poe-ish Mood. Deep into that darkness  peering, long I stood there,  wondering, fearing, doubting,  dreaming dreams no mortal  ever dared to dream before. Edgar Allan Poe I became insane, with long  intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allan Poe I wish I could write as  mysterious as a cat. Edgar Allan Poe Read more at P. S. Eat Pie! Love, Valerie